Live Ducks mourns the loss of every duck
we hear about that has died. Unless you have owned and loved a duck yourself,
it's hard to imagine the grief you feel when you lose such a special friend. We've
created this section to immortalize ducks that have touched our lives and brought
us so much joy.
I cannot see you with my eyes
Or hear you with my ears
But thoughts of you are with me still
And often dry my tears
You whisper in the rustling leaves
that linger in the fall
And in the gentle evening breeze
I'm sure I hear your call
A part of you remains with me
That none can take away
It gives me strength to carry on
At dawning of new day
I think of happy times we shared
And then I softly sigh
But this I know - we'll meet again
And never say goodbye
Submitted by Christine Lewis, Author Unknown |
Passed away December 26, 2007
A Special Place
You have a special place Dear Lord
that I know you'll always keep
A special place reserved for ducks
when they quietly fall asleep
With large and airy meadows
and a yard for finding bugs,
Lord, I know You keep this Special Place
And so to You I pray,
For one Special duck who quietly died today
She was full of strength and love
and so very, very wise.
she went to join the other ducks
To Your land that is so Divine
So, speak to Sebastian softly please
And give her a warm hello.
She's a Special gift to You Dear Lord
From Sharon, who loved her so....
Sharon DeMeola
Sebastian's Video Memorial on YouTube - Very moving, you will need Kleenex
Sebastian's Story on
Trouble and Mischief
Passed away February 19, 2005 and December 12, 2004
Over the past few years I've heard about many of your losses, and cried over each
and every one. These are the hardest for me to memorialize because they were my own.
Tribute to Trouble and Mischief
Greg and Lori Goodman, California
Passed away March 30, 2004
March 30, 2004
I never thought I would become so attached to a duck. But, I did. Quackers brought both me & my mother happiness. I always enjoyed playing & just watching Quackers and her brother, Felix.
Quackers was attacked by a raccoon one night, about a week ago. Her neck was badly injured, but that was all. We treated the wounds and it appeared she would be fine. After about a week, she wasn't doing so well. She died in my arms last night. R.I.P
Kendra Rigoni, Cape Coral, Florida USA
Passed away February, 2004
Chompy was hatched across the street and started wandering over to
our yard to be fed every day
Chompy (along with his still present brothers and sisters!) was a wonderful duck.
He was so sweet and gentle and would wait patiently for his food every day.
He made my whole family happy to see him (and the rest!) every time he would
grace us with his sweet presence!
Chompy had been crossing the street on the other side of our lake, and was hit
by a car. Every day we think about him and what a sweet duck he was.
Rebecca, The Woodlands, TX USA
Passed away March 26, 2004
I came upon Beaureguard because the neighbors inherited him:)
He made me happy in ways that I will never know again most likely.
He would kiss me and quack to warn me if there was someone near.
He was the light of everyones life in many ways, he will be missed.
He ate lead balls and got lead poisioning. Please everyone watch for your baby!!
By the time we knew he was sick it was too late:(
Brandi, Canton, MS USA
Passed away January 16, 2004
On January 15, 2004, Daphne and I were enjoying the morning together when
she started having labored breathing. I knew something was wrong so I
immediately took her to the vet. The vet took x-rays and found that Daphne had
swallowed a small metal object. Daphne went into shock and died a short
time later.
I had Daphne for about a year and a half and she was my best friend.
Daphne loved to go camping with us and she loved to go to the park.
When I drove her places, she would sit on my lap and watch out the window.
If Daphne was around other ducks or geese and they got into a fight, Daphne
would quickly join in grabbing one of them by the butt leaving them stunned
at what had happened. Sometimes Daphne would come to work with me and sit
patiently on my desk watching me work.
Daphne and I shared a close bond that I have never shared with another animal.
Daphne's untimely death has affected me deeply but I know I will see her in
heaven some day because she was my little angel.
Christine Lewis, Boise, Idaho
Passed away June 10, 2003
In memory of Howard the Duck
A real member of the family.
Each morning he'd bang against the grating on his pen when he wanted to go
out into the garden, we'll miss the banging!
Once upon a time in North Central, Texas...
I had just flown in from Atlantic Canada and was friendless. Knowing nobody
at all except for my step-dad's family members I spent a brisk March keeping
quiet yet waiting for a friend. April.3rd, I was at "Town Lake" in our city
and was going through a nature trail when I came upon a beautiful mallard
hen, setting upon a cozy little nest in a tree cavity. I've always had a
huge love for ducks so I stopped and admired her from afar briefly then
continued my walk. When I returned diaster had struck... Four eggs lay
splattered on the ground in front of the tree, the hen was gone, but four
eggs rested in the nest and I gathered them up in fear of the rest being
smashed by some crazy teens (Ironic since I am also one, but not half as
crazy to bust little eggs).
I incubated them for 28 days then finally after
sleeping in the computer room for almost a month I got my reward. Only one
egg hatched out of the four and it was also a help-out due to birth
conditions. I have heard that it's exetremely risky to do and expected her
to die within 24 hours or less.. I carefully washed the excess goo covering
her and it was drying quickly making it impossible for her to blink.
Amazingly she made it through the night and into the next day just fine! I
named her Miracle. For 7 1/2 weeks I had my friend, my animal soulmate whom
I desperately needed and vice versa. Miracle was actually one of the most
affectionate animals I had ever seen or owned. She was amazing.. A real
dream come true.
A friend gave me "Buddy" as a little friend for Miracle and
my parents put a foot down to two ducks living in our home. They were forced
to be put outside.. I was, of course, nervous. After all, Miracle was like a
daughter to me. Then one day, I made some new friends! I hadn't been out in
forever and decided to leave Miracle's side for an hour or so. I brought my
Mum's cell phone to call in and check on Miracle. Instead.. I got the phone
call... "Miracles gone...". I still to this day, have no idea where she is
or where she went. All I know is my brother had left the back gate wide open
and Mum thinks Miracle went to find me because I had left through the same
gate... I love and miss you Miracle and you will never, ever be forgotten,
Many people tell me, "It's just a duck, get over it." I can never
forget her or get over her disappearance, but I always hold a hope that
Miracle found a safe place and learned to fly. My dream is for her to return
to me this spring (2004). Until you return, Miracle, I pray for you to
return safely every single night.. May the wind always be at your back my
dearest friend.
Brittany LeBlanc, Miracle's Mother
Tammy, Tonia, Reggie and Otto
Passed away 2002
My ducks were my best friend...Literally. Tammy was eaten by an animal. Tonia was
Killed on the road. Reggie and Otto got stolen,
Ping & Gallagher
Passed away 2001
They made me go out and do things in the yard, they entertained me, and gave me something
different in my life. My ducks were killed the same way, a few months apart, by our dogs.
My ducks had gotten out some how.
Ariel Bredlau
Nipper, Mea, Misty & Midnight
Passed away Summer 2002
Nipper was a lovely white duck. He was so tame, like a DOG...Way better.
Mea...She was sweet. Misty, so cute. And Midnight, he was spunky. I LOVE DUCKS.
Hope, The Duck Girl
Ritz, Graham, Oyster and Georgia
Passed away July 11, 2003
We went to the Assisted Living that my fatherinlaw was staying at. There was a women who
came with baby ducks, chickens, lambs, goats etc to show the elderly SO I Bought 4 from her.
We found them relaxing to watch in their little pool I enjoyed getting up early in the
morning to give them clean water in their pool. We like to watch them swim. Our little
autistic child loved them and she misses them also.
We think a dog or some other animal (a fox) jumped the fence and killed them and
two were missing and two my husband found dead.
Jean Bowden
Passed away July 15, 2003
It was a ducking when I found it, 3 days ago, and it was so cute. I loved it so much.
She brought joy into my heart. I will love her forever.
Passed away March 16, 2003
My two other ducks laid eggs but wouldn't incubate them, so I took it as soon as it
was laid and started nurturing it from day one.
I only knew it for a few hours, but it let me know that I can accomplish hatching
a duck, and knowing what to do.
My chicken got it, I dont like talking/typing about its death...I'll start crying...
I HATCHED it for god sake!
Passed away June 22, 2003
I got my duck from my aunt's farm.
My duck was the sweetest thing, he would come up to me and wag his tail and follow
me all around. He showed me that anything is possible! My duck died of a tragic
disease called Botulism.
Passed away April, 2003
We got her at C.N smith farm.
She helped me show more love. she also showed me responsibility.
Quacky died when she was attacked by a hawk.
Doris and Lucy
Passed away May, 2003
There were four ducks in the canal which abuts my backyard when i moved in here
4 years ago. two males, two females..we and others feed them, and we named them
"the commander" (alpha male) pansy (non-alpha male) lucy and doris.
We loved them so much..loved to see them come into the yard and eat their grain..
then we would let the hose run and they would greatly enjoy rootling in the wet
grass and mud from the running hose. all four had distinct personalities and
we got the biggest kick out of their antics..i had a duck as a child, and i
love the endearing waddle and variations of their "language", when they speak
to each other..they certainly proved that they have intelligence, preferences
and dislikes, and since they have no natural defense against our florida critters,
their welfare and happiness became of great importance to our family...their innocent
little daily routines were a joy to observe.
First, on easter weekend, we noticed lucy was missing. we thought she was just
sitting on a nest as she had done two years prior. she was never seen again.
then, in may, we found doris lying dead in a neighbor's yard down the canal.
no one knows what happened to dear doris, but we can only surmise that our lucy
met with the same fate, as she has not been seen in almost two months, now..the
two boys are bereft without their girls, and wandered the canal and yards seemingly
without purpose. both boys are sticking together and appear to be moving on, but
our hearts still ache for our missing little darlings...lucy and doris..may they
now be happy forever, with all the earthworms a duck could want, up in duck heaven..
we miss them so...
Karen Fostel
Passed away October 31, 2002
I found him when I was going to school he was just lying there not moving at all.
He taught me how to be responsible for a disabled duck.
He died from a disease that I don't know what it is called but prevented him from walking.
Caitlin Sackrider
Passed away April 4, 2001
Having a duck, and Lucky was our first duck, showed us that even the smallest
things in life matter. Lucky was one to stick very close to whoever he thought
was his Mama. One morning my mother, brother and myself were busy in the
kitchen and not paying close attention to where Lucky was. Accidentaly my
brother stepped on him and his little neck snapped :(. We, and especially my
brother, haven't been the same since.
Emilie & David Keim
Passed away April 4, 2001
I wanted ducks really bad when I was little and finally I got some. I got four
different kinds of ducks and there was one that turned out to be my very favorite.
Her name was Paddles. She was very smart. We had our ducks in a pen and somehow
she would get out of the pen and come up to the house and peck on the window when
she wanted a treat. She was the only duck that was smart enough to do this.
My dog got in the duck pen and attacked Paddles. We are very lucky he didnt attack
the rest.
Alicea Shipman
More photos of AFLAC |
Passed away January 6, 2002
I always wanted a puppy. One night while laying on the sofa watching TV my
lovely wife Nancy asked me what I would like for Christmas. I repeated my usual
desire for a puppy and Nancy quickly snuffed that out. It was then that the
popular AFLAC commercial came on TV, and I replied that I thought a duck would
be nice. |
Two weeks later, a man dropped off what would become the best friend we could
ever have. Out of a portable carrier walked a beautiful little white Pekin
duck with a red bow around it's neck. We immediately carried him inside
by the fire, and named him AFLAC. It was later on that he
let us know that he was really a she by surprising us with an egg.
We live near a golf course, and
she would sit on golf balls that would end up everywhere.
AFFIE learned to go for rides on the
golf cart sitting patiently while I tried to hit the ball to perfection.
I buried a wading pool with a filter, and she loved it, but her favorite
place was a built in fish pond on our front porch because she knew she wasn't
supposed to be in there. If you would do something for her or
give her a treat, she would respond with a loud,
THAAANNKS! My wife Nancy swore she had feelings and I would have to agree.
A year and a half went by and one day she didn't look quite right.
We took her to the Vet and she was diagnosed with Aspergillosis, a
deadly disease. The Vet bills soon totaled in excess of $1300.00!
AFLAC came home to us after a few stays there, right before Thanksgiving
and we were thrilled.
We were blessed to spend Christmas and the Holidays with her and she seemed
like she was making some progress.
On January 6th, in the morning she wasn't herself, and by the time I got
home from work, she was laboring badly. Nancy and I rushed her to the Vet
in the first snow storm of the winter. Before
handing her to the doctor, I held her in my arms. She gave me one last
look to say "THANKS" and rubbed her bill across my nose to
show her affection. AFLAC died that moment in my arms. It was almost
as if she forced herself to stay alive just so she
could say good bye and "THANKS!"
AFLAC is memorialized close to where her pond used to be. I still find feathers
sometimes on her grave, and although I'm not a firm beliver in the
supernatural, I feel that she constantly gives us signs that she is somewhere
better now. Wherever you are AFFIE,
my girlie, Mom and I Say THAAAAANNNKSS! We love you!
Tim and Nancy LaPella |
Slim and Eggnog
I live in an apartment and don't have my own ducks, but I often go to the pond to
visit the ducks there. Slim was an Indian Runner who I used to visit everyday on
the way to work.
Through visiting him, I learned not to give ducks bread and all sorts of other things.
I felt really attached to Slim. And one day I went and Slim was gone.
I went back every day, but he never reappeared. I was devastated.
"Eggnog" was a duck that
I bought at a butcher shop and set free. I've learned that that's not a good idea.
She also disappeared from the pond after a few months. I was devastated and guilty.
I thought I was responsible for her death. I have learned a lot from all of these
birds and have even passed an Introductory Wildlife Rehab Class. I'm glad that
through my love for them, I've learned to dispel some myths: like that feeding
bread to ducks is not okay and that domestic ducks don't fare well in the wild.
I hope one day to have my own ducks, but until then I'll enjoy the ones at the park.
Ali Liebegott
Passed away November 2, 2002
Thanks for the reply. It is still bothering me, but I just can't dwell on the matter.
All I hope is that Chong knows I did the best I could for her I just wished I would
have done something sooner... I just know now if I ever again have a sneaking
suspicion that if my duck isn't the same I am taking them to the vet right away.
Di McIlrath
Passed away October 31, 2002
I lost my
beloved Peeper, to egg binding on Halloween last year. I had
never heard of egg binding until till after she died. I feel so bad. I
feel like it is all my fault. She wasn't even a
year old yet. I took her passing very hard. After I buried her, I didn't
have the heart to clean out her house. I miss her so very
much, she was so sweet and gentle. I am sending a picture of her so you can
see how special she was. Thank you so very much.
Michele Johnson
Passed away April 10, 2002
Lori Thanks for being a friend with all this.....
I try and keep my spirits up right now by trying to remember all
the times Cheech and I had. I have a picture of the three of them
on my computer screen at home and I have a photo on
my computer at work, I can still hear her quacking :0)
I know where ever I go and there is a computer I can always see my
Baby Cheech on your Web-site! thanks again for that!!
Di McIlrath
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