The breeds shown here on Live Ducks are the most common domestic breeds. For wild breeds click here to visit a website that specializes in non-domestic ducks.
Indian Runner
White Crested
Khaki Campbell
Call Duck
More Domestic Breeds
Choosing a Breed
Where Can I Buy a Duck?
Breed Comparision Chart
Which breed makes the best pet? There are many domestic duck breeds with as many distinct characteristics. Ask owners of any of each of the breeds and they will tell you theirs is the best. Just like choosing a dog or other pet, there is a breed of duck with the perfect personality, appearance and characteristics to suit most anyone. Some ducks are known to be friendly, noisy, very large, small, have pretty and bright plumage, imprint easily on humans, etc. Don't get stressed if you're new to this, just refer to my chart for a quick overview of the breeds and do more in depth online research once you find a breed that interests you.

Before you decide on a breed for a pet, remember the Pekin is the tried and true standard that works best for most casual pet duck owners. Other breeds may have quirks or undesired personality traits that can be a challenge for a first time owner. No matter how hard it gets, you cannot simply "dump" a duck into a local pond if it doesn't work out in your home.
Read "Are you Ready for a Duck" if you are not a duck owner and Giving up Your Ducks?" if you made a serious mistake and are looking for intelligent solutions.

See more photos of domestic ducks and ducklings

Pekin Hen
Pekin Hen

Pekin ducks have a large pure white body with orange beak and feet. Pekins are the most common domestic duck choice. They are on some restaurant menus as "Peking Duck". Because of their huge body and skinny legs, they are prone to leg injuries. They are unable to fly. The Pekin breed is of Chinese origin, first imported to the United States around 1873.

More often than not, the Pekin is the best choice for anyone getting started with ducks or those who look forward to alot of interaction with their pet.

The Domestic Waterfowl Club of Great Britain
Pekin Duck Photos
Domestic Ducks

Fawn Runners
Fawn Runners

Indian Runners come in more than two dozen colors and stand tall and upright like a bowling pin. They are the most prolific egg layers, some laying upwards of 300 eggs per year. They do not fly. This breed originated in India, some say from China over 2000 years ago. Runners were introduced into England as early as 1830, but not well known in the United States before 1900.

The American Livestock Breeds Conservancy
Ashton Waterfowl

Rouen Drake
Rouen Drake

Rouen is another popular domestic breed that closely resembles a mallard duck when fully mature. Unlike its smaller cousin, the mallard, the Rouen is too heavy to fly. They are said to be calm in nature. They originated in France and came to America around 1874.

Oklahoma State University

Cayuga Drake

Cayuga ducks are rare, a gorgeous dark black with shimmering green feathers. They grow almost as large as the Pekin. Their feathers turn lighter as they grow older. Cayugas originated in Cayuga county, New York, known as the Finger Lakes region. They are one of the few ducks to originate in the U.S.

The American Livestock Breeds Conservancy
Domestic Waterfowl Club of Great Britain

Blue Swedish Pair
Blue Swedish

Swedish are large bodied and come in blue (more a soft gray), black and silver. They are known to be calm. As early as 1835, the blue Swedish duck was being raised by farmers in Pomerania, which back then was part of Sweden, thus the name.

The American Livestock Breeds Conservancy
McMurray Hatchery

Buff Drake
Buff Drake

Buff, also called Buff Orpington, are gorgeous, large and fawn colored, English in origin, from Orpington Farms. They were introduced to the United States in 1909 and became an officially recognized breed in 1914. The Buffs pictured below are my own, at about 5 weeks of age. They continued to grow until they were larger than Pekins. Their character was not as friendly as other resources stated. Despite being hand raised, they wanted to with each other and didn't bond with us. There are probably exceptions to this behavior, but in my own experience my opinion is that they'd make a better flock bird than a family pet. They are known to be good egg layers.

Buff Ducks

The American Livestock Breeds Conservancy
Kintaline Farm Poultry and Waterfowl Centre

Muscovy Hen

Muscovy are a "quackless" duck, and great if you live close to your neighbors. Originally from Brazil, they are the only breed of duck that is not a descendant of the mallard. Some can fly, it depends on the body size.

Kintaline Farm Poultry and Waterfowl Centre
Muscovy Information
Muscovy Photos

White Crested
White Crested

White Crested ducks look like a Pekin wearing a fluffy white hat. Said to be a cross between Pekin and Aylesbury.

Crested Duck Information
Metzer Farms

Khaki Campbell
Khaki Campbell

Khaki Campbell ducks are a greenish bronzy brown color, and are excellent egg layers. They originated in England, taking on the name Campbell, the developer of the breed. Khakis are a cross between Indian Runner, Mallard and Rouen.

Little House Poultry Farm
Ashton Waterfowl
McMurray Hatchery

Call Duck
Call Duck

Call Ducks are sometimes referred to as "miniature ducks" because of their compact size. Their beaks are blunt and round. They are known as a very noisy breed, but their small size makes them desireable. They are known to be very loud, so they may not be a good choice if you live in urban areas or have neighbors closeby. Call Ducks can fly, so you'll need to clip their wings periodically.

Call Ducks
Call Duck Association UK
The British Call Duck Club
Kintaline Farm Poultry and Waterfowl Centre

Aylesbury, Appleyard, Moulard, Saxony and the elusive Pommeranian (also spelled Pomeranian) ducks are domestic breeds that we have little information on - some are considered rare.

Which breed is best for you?

When choosing a breed, if you are new to duck ownership there are a few things you need to consider.

Are you a first time duck owner? Make sure to read:
"Are You Ready for a Duck?"

Looking for a family pet? Some breeds may not bond well with people and prefer the company of their own kind. There are exceptions, of course, but overall the Pekin has the best reputation for being friendly, outgoing, playful and a good family pet.

Want a duck for the eggs? Runner ducks are known as some of the best egg layers of all domestic breeds. They have a reputation for being moody and neurotic. Ours was not nearly as approachable as our Pekin. I wouldn't get one again as a pet, but if you want fresh eggs, they are fantastic, and easy to find. Keep in mind that not all ducks live up to their reputation. Some Runners have made wonderful pets. It depends alot on the duck and the kind of care and interaction they get with humans, preferably from the beginning.

Going for show? There are many breeds that would be a beautiful addition to any home including the Rouen that resembles the Mallard, the Cayuga with it's lustrous green plumage or the bronze beauty of the Khaki Campbell. Some are considered rare and difficult to find.

Where can I buy a duck?
There are several options: pet or supply store which I do not advise because they are often incorrectly sexed or have health problems due to overcrowding. You can try animal shelters, though many like the ones in my area will take ducks in, but not offer them for adoption. Some farms supply ducks, and there are a few mail order options.

All of our ducks past and present came from a very reputable farm in California called Metzer Farms. They raise ducks for a variety of purposes, including for sale as pets. They do not slaughter or eat their own ducks, which impressed me. Check with them for details regarding sales and shipping.

Beware of breeders selling ducklings with "warmers". The warmers are live male chicks, so you'll end up with alot more than the ducks you ordered.

Straight Run Ducks are simply ducks of various breeds that have not been sexed to determine if they are male or female. Find a reputable resource that sells ducks with pre-determined sex and named breed, like Metzer Farms.

For a resource that sells ducklings, call ducks and goslings with no minimum order quantity and a Live Arrival Guarantee, please visit to find ducks for sale.

To find hatcheries that sell fertilized duck eggs ready to incubate, see my Links page.

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